To view the live show, go to community.hauntedsouthtv.com (no “www”) and click on the “LIVE Podcast” link on the navigation bar at the top of the page. The recorded show can also be viewed once its posted by clicking on the show title from the list in the right column of that page.
You probably noticed that these first interviews about the book are with paranormal organizations. This is because these folks deal on a regular basis with a mysterious body of experiences and observations for which they have long sought out answers with little support of the established scientific community, which instead often shuns or dismisses them. They are therefore quite eager for any substantive theories based on sound reasoning and principles that could help unravel this puzzle. You may also recall from my book that it was the paranormal experiences as a teenager that set me on the path of inquiry that led to the discovery of supergeometric theory, as well as to becoming a Christian. My next focus will be on those shows that carry a Christian-based perspective, and I have two such interviews tentatively scheduled, which I will post as soon as they are confirmed. I very much welcome these opportunities as well, since they provide an opportunity to focus on the lost cosmology of the Bible that forms part of the foundation of supergeometry. I’ll keep you posted.