Reports appeared in late August that physicists working with CERN’s Large Hadron Collider are coming to accept that the Higgs boson—a particle fundamental to the current view of the universe—may not exist after all. The LHC is sufficiently powerful to uncover this particle if it exists as theorized. They are simply running out of places where it could be hiding.
The ramifications of this are very significant. The Standard Model of the universe has for decades served as science’s description of how the universe is put together and works. While it’s not without its problems, it has been the best universal model so far in that it answers most of the physical questions posed to it about universal processes (although it allows no place within its walls for spirituality or the paranormal). Fundamental to its soundness is the premise that every process has a material cause. Confirmation of this philosophy hinges in part on three hypothetical particles or materials—the graviton (required for expressing gravity as a material force), dark matter (needed to explain why close to 90% of the gravity in the universe has no associated mass generating it) and the Higgs boson (which provides a material cause for mass), all which have never been discovered.
According to the Standard Model, it was gravity that caused the primordial cloud of the Big Bang to begin coagulating into galaxies and stars to commence the fusion process that causes them to burn. Gravity is supposed to be generated by mass. The hypothetical Higgs boson is what purportedly imparted mass to early particles, and in doing so began the process of shaping the universe. This is why it’s often called the ‘God’ particle (see the article The End of Materialism and a Return to God for a more detailed description). Without this particle, there is no materialistic explanation for the birth of gravity. The failure to detect it has scientists talking now about pursuing a ‘new’ physics. In the absence of the Higgs and its brethren, the formula necessary to eliminate the hand of a creator-God in the shaping of the cosmos still cannot be written.
The failure to find these hypothetical particles lends added weight to the Supergeometric Model set forth in Behind the Cosmic Veil. While this model is not dependent on the absence of the Higgs boson, it explains the phenomenon of gravity without the need for it. The creation of gravitational fields without the need for adjacent material mass affords a sound, uniform solution for many anomalous observations from paranormal phenomena to UFOs, and opens a door to the reality of a Prime Order that preceded the universe based not just on faith and inner awareness, but on pragmatic reasoning as well.