Radio show has been re-scheduled for July 29.
As per the host's request, my interview with David Nathan on The Bright Side
Radio show has been re-scheduled for July 29.
I will be the guest of Jim Malliard on the Malliard Report Tuesday, June 26 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Find it on the Shark Radio Network at or on the Paranormal Radio Network at
Wednesday, June 27 at 8:30 PM will find me on Haunted Voices with Todd Bates. Join us on the Pop Odyssey radio Network at or go to and look for the live player down the left column. BTCV goes extra-terrestrial on Saturday, June 30 at 9:00 PM with Mark Snyder on Ohio Exopolitics. Launch the show at I’ll be speaking with David Nathan on The Bright Side Show on Sunday, July 1 at 7:00 PM Eastern. Tune in at I will be returning to California Haunts with Charlotte Kosa on Wednesday, June 20 at 10:00 PM Eastern. If you recall, I posted the wrong information about where to find the broadcast. Charlotte has moved the show to the TalkShoe platform. Catch the live show at
Friday, June 22 at 8:00 PM Eastern will find me at Un-X Radio with Margie Kay. Listen in on the Global Radio Alliance Network at We have two interviews on Saturday, June 23. At 8:00 PM Eastern I’ll be speaking with hosts Pat and Carol on Fringe Radio. Catch it live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area on terrestrial station K-Talk Radio AM630, or the web simulcast at My pre-recorded interview with host Ronnie McMullen on UFO Encounters Live will air midnight Eastern at As my readers know, I have a pet peeve about news articles with sensational headlines that are not born out when you read the article. It seems to me that today’s standard for a great headline is how close a reporter can teeter on the edge of an outright lie without being so outrageous that even the most inattentive slumberer would jump up and cry foul.
Sometimes, however, it’s not the headline that’s the trouble, but an article that reports only half the story. Case in point is a recent news article reporting the finding of concentric circles in the cosmic background radiation (CMB) of the universe that are interpreted by physicists Roger Penrose and V. G. Gurzadyan as evidence of events that occurred prior to the Big Bang that brought our current universe into existence ( According to Penrose’s Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, the universe expands and contracts, producing an infinite series of Big Bangs followed by new universes, and these rings are allegedly the artifacts of pre-Big Bang black hole collisions. On researching this article, I found that Penrose and Gurzadyan publicized these findings back in 2010, so it’s unclear why the story should be reported now as news. But more important is what’s missing from the article, which is the ensuing work conducted by other researchers since 2010 that calls into question the team’s interpretation of the evidence. Apparently, pronouncing these circular CMB structures as pre-Big Bang is overly ambitious, since according to these other researchers, they are well within the statistical probability of that which is predicted by existing CMB models. According the astrophysicist Adam Moss, “Gurzadyan & Penrose have not found evidence for pre-Big Bang phenomena, but have simply re-discovered that the CMB contains structure.” I will be appearing on A Guiding Lite Radio with Dr. Joseph Marra on Sunday, June 17 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Tune in on Blog Talk Radio at
Join me Monday, June 11 at 5:30 PM Eastern as I return to Robby Bradbury’s Gut and Bones Show, now on the Para-X Radio Network. Catch it at
Tuesday, June 12 at 7-9 PM Eastern, I will be returning to the Haunted Path Show with host Maria Mazur. I will be joined by co-guest David Rountree for a journey deep into the cosmic rabbit hole of the supernatural. If you missed our historic joint appearance on Para-X Radio back on May 27, you won’t want to miss this interview. Listen in at I will be the guest of Randy Maugans on Off Planet Radio Wednesday, June 13 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Join us at My latest installment with GeorgeAnn Hughes of The Byte Show will be posted late Thursday evening, June 14. Find it at my dedicated page on her show site: I will be appearing on PEMA TV with hosts Kim and Eric Friday, June 15 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Join us at Saturday, June 16 at 11:00 PM Eastern will find me on As You Wish Radio with James Gilliland. Catch it on Station One of the BBS Radio Network at There is finally independent confirmation that Einstein was right after all (again!). It was reported yesterday that last year’s OPERA findings of faster-than-light neutrinos have not been duplicated by other facilities. Four other independent labs around the world, as well as the INFN Lab in Italy (working with the same CERN neutrino source as in the original OPERA experiment) failed to confirm any faster-than-light measurements. In every instance, the results were precisely what Einstein would have predicted—no neutrinos were found to be traveling faster than light. It is now believed that the faulty measurements were due to a problem in OPERA’s fiber-optic timing system.
Many in the scientific community suspected this would be the outcome, and believed that OPERA had made its original announcement prematurely. This may have played a role in the resignations of the team leaders back in April. It still amazes me that each time someone calls the soundness of Einstein’s theories into question, he’s always vindicated. Even after a century of advances and discoveries, relativity stands strong. My interview with Jackie Haughn of And So It Is Radio scheduled for this past Sunday was postponed by the host due to technical problems at the show studio. I’m told it will be rescheduled for a future date.
Monday, June 4 at 9:00 PM Eastern will find me on Visions Into The Past Radio with hosts Michael and Carl. Catch it on the Uber Radio Network at I will be the guest of Kevin Cook on his Paranormal Mysteries radio show Tuesday, June 5 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Find it at Join me Wednesday, June 6 on Truth Theorem Radio with hosts Warren and Jason. The show begins at 9:00 PM Eastern, and I will be brought on about 9:30 PM. Catch the broadcast and live chat on the Global Radio Alliance at I will be appearing on Fox Cities Paranormal with host Tim Maile at 11:00 PM Eastern on Thursday, June 7. Listen in on ZTalk radio at My pre-recorded interview with Paul Cagle on the SEPS Podcast will be posted Sunday evening, June 10 at The Washington Post recently reported another death resulting from the snake handling practiced by certain charismatic churches located primarily in the Appalachian region. This time, it was 44 year-old West Virginia pastor Mark Randall, who was described as a “daring man of conviction.” Indeed. His father, also a snake-handling preacher, died from such a fatal bite when Randall was 15.
Snake handling as a form of worship is attributed to George Hensley of Tennessee, who introduced poisonous snakes into a Pentecostal service in 1909. Ironically, he too was eventually bitten fatally during a church service in 1965. The practice is rooted in a passage from the end of the gospel of Mark (16:17-18), “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.” The most obvious problem here is that believers occasionally do die from these snake bites. Of course, the passages do not command believers to take up this act as a ritual. The book of Acts recounts an instance where the apostle Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake and suffered no harm, but it was an incidental circumstance—Paul was not rooting through wood piles in search of serpents. So, do you think perhaps that these passages might not be telling us we should go looking for trouble? “Sufficient are the evils of the day” without intentionally creating them. Besides, how strong can someone’s faith really be if they feel the need to keep proving it to themselves week after week? I think this is more of a thrill-seeking exhilaration than a form of worship. Remember, the oldest known copies of Mark end abruptly at 16:8. Scholars speculate the original ending was lost or the author was not able to finish it for some reason. The ending containing these passages was a later addition, and is hotly contested. Maybe that’s not a good thing to base a life threatening ritual on. I believe that the Bible message needs to be embraced as a whole while avoiding any interpretations isolated out of context. Didn’t Satan challenge Jesus with the same kind of faith-testing act? “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, ‘He will give his angels charge of you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus rebuked him by quoting the greater truth, “Again it is written, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” Jesus himself didn’t dare tempt God in this way. Neither did Paul. Randall and Hensley did. Maybe they had more faith. |
April 2015
About the Author
Thomas P. Fusco has devoted nearly three decades of research into the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations. He has been invited to speak as a guest on over 100 national and international radio programs, including Coast To Coast AM. |