I have a 30-minute spot on Inside the Paranormal (also known as Cincy Paranormal) on Tuesday, January 17 starting at 9:10 pm Eastern. Go to http://cincypararadio.blogspot.com/ for the live broadcast (look for the blog talk radio player). The recorded podcast will be posted afterward at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pararadio. This program will also be re-broadcast in the Cincinnati area on WQVC 95.7 FM the following Monday, January 23 at 7:00 pm Eastern.
My next installment in my series with GeorgeAnn Hughes of the Byte Show will be posted Wednesday evening, January 18 at http://www.thebyteshow.com/ThomasPFusco.html.
Finally, I will be on Spooky Southcoast Radio on Saturday, January 21 at 10:00 pm to 12:00 am Eastern. Go to http://www.spookysouthcoast.com/ for the live show.