Those who tried to tune into the interview with Gregory Kompes on Metaphysical Summit Radio Wednesday, November 7 found that no show was broadcast. Apparently, this show has folded since the interview was booked (the last archived show was September 26). I’ve had this happen about five or six times and it’s very frustrating, especially since with a lone exception, these hosts never notified me, and my emails to them go unanswered. Unless some personal disaster befell them, I can only assume that they are too embarrassed or just don’t care enough to let me know. Maybe reading my book was a sufficiently life-altering experience that he decided to end his show. Your guess is as good as mine.
But wait—there’s more. If you tuned into PISToLS Radio Sunday night at 5:00 PM, you noticed you did not find me there either! There are three hosts on this show, and apparently two of them invited different guests for this evening. The other guy won. I’m still unsure how this can happen, but in any event it’s something beyond my control. I am told I will be rescheduled to appear on this show again soon (hopefully with a multi-host consensus).
Join me with host Marie Cuff on IPRG Radio Sunday, November 18 at 10:00 PM Eastern. Catch it on Blog talk Radio at
I will be returning with co-guest David Rountree on Visions Into The Past Radio with hosts Mike and Carl Monday, November 19 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Find it at