After taking a much-needed break last month from the intense interview schedule, we’re back on track for 2013. Hope everyone had a great holiday season. Of course the world didn’t end on 12/21/12 (notice how all the doom-mongers simply disappeared or fell silent?). I think Mel Fabregas of Veritas Radio said it best when he expressed his biggest concern about the passing of 12/21 is that nothing will change—everything will stay exactly the way it was. Looks like your suspicions were realized, Mel.
It will take me a month or two to begin booking up interviews at the rate of the 2012 schedule, so January is still a bit on the light side with only seven scheduled so far. Some of the shows I was invited to last year are no longer on the air, but new shows are coming online all the time. If you recall, a few shows went under before my scheduled appearances, and a few even forgot the booking (the nerve)! As always, I apologize when this happens—I know everyone understands this is something beyond my control. You just book what’s offered with the expectation that everything will be fine. In any event, they still count as an invite, and it’s still an honor when you’re asked to appear.
I’m going to begin branching out into different genres also, so they’ll be some interesting conversations coming up covering certain topics in greater detail. I’m also going to try to get back on track with regular blog entries. I’ve a huge backlog of important topics and news reports that I need to post. I’m also planning this year to start a new article that will comprise emails from readers and listeners of exceptional substance and insight along with my responses. There’s lots of really intriguing material contributed by these wonderful folks that I want to share with you and for which I’m very grateful.
Anyway, first out of the gate for the New Year is a return appearance on Sunday, January 6 with host Angel Espino on The Jackal’s Head Radio (hope the guy who was ranting about the Batman movies doesn’t call in again). Go to to listen and chat. The show begins at 10:00 PM ET, and I will be brought on at about 11:00 PM. If it’s too late for you, you can find the archived show at
Here’s wishing everyone a safe, happy and prosperous New Year. Let’s make it a good one.