I will be live on Night Vision Radio with Rene Barnett Wednesday, March 7 at 11:00 pm Eastern on the LATalkRadio network. To listen live, go to http://www.latalkradio.com/. There are two channels on this network, each with a different player and call-in number. Rene’s show is on Channel Two, and you’ll find the Listen Live player and call-in number near the top of the right column. The recorded show can be accessed later at http://www.latalkradio.com/Rene.php.
My next podcast installment with GeorgeAnn Hughes of The Byte Show (Part 11) will be posted sometime late Friday evening or Saturday, March 9-10. Find it at http://www.thebyteshow.com/ThomasPFusco.html.
March 9 at 11:00 pm Eastern will find me on The Jackal’s Head with Angel Espino. Go to http://www.soupmedianetwork.com/psn-radio/ and look for the player in the right column.
Finally, I will be on The Church of Mabus (don’t worry, it’s not a church for the occult) with Jeffrey Pritchett on Saturday, March 10 at 11:00 pm Eastern. Listen at http://thechurchofmabus.com/ (look for the player in the left column) or http://ufoparanormalradio.homestead.com/Main_Page_version_2.html and select one of the players near the top of the page. I’ve been told this can be a wild show, so strap yourself in.