As you may know, I am a firm believer that life exists elsewhere in the universe. My reasoning for this stems from an established scientific principle that has never been properly applied to living things. First, the nature and design of any system is defined and established by a given set of laws and principles. The universe is such a system, even though we don’t yet fully understand all those laws and principles. We do know, however, that the universe is not arbitrary in that it is put together only one way. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen combined in a molecule at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure), and in the presence of a sufficient gravitational field to pool these molecules together, will produce a clear liquid we call water anywhere in the universe these conditions are met. Additionally, the reason we are able to tell many things about the velocity, mass, and even chemical composition of the most distant galaxies by the analysis of their light spectrum is that the same math that works here also works at the farthest reaches of the cosmos. The universe is put together in one way only.
Second, no subset of that system can operate in a way that is contrary to or outside of the laws and principles that govern the greater system in which it is a component. No matter how complex subsets can be that emerge from the greater system, none will violate the laws and principles that dictate and govern that greater system. Of the incredible variety of card combinations and game rules (subsets) that can be derived from a single deck of cards, all will conform to the system established by the 52 cards, its 4 suits and 13 face values per suit. A fifth suit is not going to suddenly appear in dealt hands for no reason.
Finally, life emerged on earth from inanimate matter or “the dust of the ground” as it were. Regardless of whether you believe in the spontaneous generation of life or direct Divine action, it’s clear that the bodies of living things are constructed from the same elements as inanimate matter. Life is a subset of the greater universal system. Since we know life definitely exists, and that it cannot exist in a way that’s contrary to or outside of the laws and principles that govern the greater system in which it is a subset, then we can only conclude that the universe is itself alive! This means that, just as in the case with water, anywhere in the universe that certain conditions are met, life will arise from inanimate matter. To me, this is ironclad and inescapable.
There remains then only two fundamental questions that beg an answer. Are we mistaken when we view matter as inanimate, or is it really alive but has yet to take the form of a coherent organism that we recognize as life? And, from where did this “law and principle” of life originate—did the universe establish its own living nature, or did a already-living Creator endow the universe with its life?
See my article on this website, The End of Materialism and a Return to God, Part 2, to find how this relates to intelligence and the human creative faculty.