I will be presenting Part Two of my webinar on supergeometric theory and how it explains the mechanics behind paranormal phenomena on Jim Harold’s Paranormal Plus Club tonight at 10:00 PM ET. In Part One, I covered a number of common beliefsa in the paranormal field and how these do not hold up to scientific muster. Tonight I’ll be presenting the elements of supergeometric theory that do in fact provide a framework for paranormal evidence that reveals the underlying mechanics of these strange happenings.
Remember, you must be a member of Jim’s Paranormal Plus Club to take part in this webinar. You can find more information by clicking the link at the bottom of the program’s promotional page at https://jimharold.leadpages.net/thomas-fusco/ (don’t worry if the time counter to show-time is off; the correct date and time for the show is listed as it is above) or at http://jimharold.net/. You can also take part in the question-and-answer segment at the end of the session.
Hope to see you there!