Jim contacted me and there are violent storms predicated for his area so the webinar has been postponed until Wednesday, same time
I will be presenting Part Two of my webinar on supergeometric theory and how it explains the mechanics behind paranormal phenomena on Jim Harold’s Paranormal Plus Club tonight at 10:00 PM ET. In Part One, I covered a number of common beliefsa in the paranormal field and how these do not hold up to scientific muster. Tonight I’ll be presenting the elements of supergeometric theory that do in fact provide a framework for paranormal evidence that reveals the underlying mechanics of these strange happenings. Remember, you must be a member of Jim’s Paranormal Plus Club to take part in this webinar. You can find more information by clicking the link at the bottom of the program’s promotional page at https://jimharold.leadpages.net/thomas-fusco/ (don’t worry if the time counter to show-time is off; the correct date and time for the show is listed as it is above) or at http://jimharold.net/. You can also take part in the question-and-answer segment at the end of the session. Hope to see you there! I will be presenting a two-part webinar on my supergeometric theory and how it explains the mechanics behind paranormal phenomena on Jim Harold’s Paranormal Plus Club. Everyone in the field knows who Jim Harold is, and so you can imagine what an honor it is to have been invited to speak with his members.
For those who have heard me speak on interviews and at conferences, this will be a unique opportunity to hear in-depth details and the latest findings not covered in my book Behind The Cosmic Veil or in most radio interviews. You can also take part in the question-and-answer segment at the end of each session. The first part will be broadcast live this coming Monday night, April 21 at 10:00 PM ET. Part two will broadcast on Monday, May 19 at 10:00 PM ET. Remember, you must be a member of Jim’s Paranormal Plus Club to take part in this webinar. You can find more information by clicking the link at the bottom of the program’s promotional page at https://jimharold.leadpages.net/thomas-fusco/ (don’t worry if the time counter to show-time is off; the correct date and time for the show is listed as it is above). If you are interested in delving deeper into this theory that so many in the paranormal and other fields have been talking about the last few years, you won’t want to miss this. Hope to see you there! There is a distinction between skepticism and denial. There are some deniers who pass themselves as being of the noble title of skeptic unopposed, because the distinction is not readily recognized or made by the general public, and therefore evades the common vernacular. I've seen a famous skeptic drift into the denier column on subjects like the paranormal to the point that when asked if his opinion would change if he experienced these things firsthand, he replied that he would immediately admit himself to a hospital where they could find the brain tumor, chemical imbalance, etc that would have to be responsible for the 'hallucination'. And he was quite serious. There are some skeptics who take their neutral positions to avoid the risk of actually being found wrong if they commit to one position or another except for the security of those things that are so well-worn that virtually no doubt remains or if it's any topic that's non-controversial. To me this can be a form of intellectual cowardice. Then there are those who ignore existing evidence or even fabricate their own to avoid having to give an alternative viewpoint any credence at all. With my work, for example, my skepticism grew from the fact that the status quo of mainstream cosmology simply did not answer fundamental questions arising from known anomalies without ignoring or denying not only hard scientific findings but also accepting the weight of countless personal experiences recounting virtually identical details as being itself a body of evidence demanding an explanation other than stock denial and dismissal. And then I made a commitment to a position, which indeed takes courage, like standing against virtually the entire field of mainstream physics by rejecting the existence of dark matter, a conclusion that science itself is now reluctantly drifting toward albeit kicking and screaming the entire way. I recount this not for any ego-driven motive, but to illustrate a living example with which I'm personally most familiar of what I've been saying. Science is a tool; it is intended to be a servant of humanity, not its master. When one devalues, demeans or dismisses the moving experiences of a significant portion of humanity for the sake of safety and security based on any intellectual construction of system or philosophy, that one enslaves and dehumanizes all of humanity.
Join me with host Tim Roxbury on Supernatural Realms, Friday, February 14 at 6:00 PM ET. Catch it on the Ztalk Radio Network at http://ztalkradio.com/.
My prerecorded interview with Jim Harold on his Paranormal Podcast is now posted. I hear it’s getting a lot of positive responses. Find it at http://jimharold.com/the-paranormal-podcast/behind-the-cosmic-veil-paranormal-podcast-320/. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, folks know I've been saying for years that, based on the experimentally testable predictions of supergeometric theory, there's no such thing as dark matter. An article in this month's Scientific American (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dark-matters-elusiveness-means-search-may-soon-become-more-challenging/) reports the frustration of physicists at failing to detect the slightest evidence of its existence, even with the most sophisticated devices. Running out of options, the prospects are fading for ever detecting it. What I find most interesting is the statement at the end of the article that, if dark matter only interacts with normal matter through gravity, then we'll never find it. The statement is important because it reveals what you weren't taught in school: there is no physical constituent to gravity, no material component to it like a graviton or a gravity wave, and therefore there would be nothing material to detect. Zip, zilch, nada, just as the supergeometric model shows. Of course, paranormalists already know about physical effects with no detectable local material cause. The article covers just about every possibility save one: that dark matter really doesn't exist. Why are they so resistant to the possibility? Because that admission, with one fell swoop, will utterly destroy forever the materialistic paradigm that dominates physics today. I'm sure that's a frightening prospect to many of them. They thought they left researchers like myself at the base of the mountain as they scaled the summit of reality. Imagine their embarrassment when they reach the top and find us to have been sitting there all along.
Join me with host Royce Holleman on Talk Now Radio, Wednesday, January 29 at 8:00 PM ET. Find it at www.talknowradio.com.
I will be returning to Everyday Connection with hosts Jean and Rick on Thursday, January 30 at 7:00 PM ET. This is going to be an unusual interview because we are going to get into the spiritual and Biblical ramifications of my work. Tune in at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/everydayconnection. Join me with host Mary Marshall on Paranormal MD Radio, Thursday, January 23 at 9:00 PM ET. Catch it on the Haunted Voices Network at
http://www.loudcity.com/stations/whvr-digital-broadcasting/files/show/listen_chat.html. Join me Wednesday, January 15 at 9:00 PM ET with host Todd bates on Haunted Voices Radio. Listen and chat at http://www.loudcity.com/stations/whvr-digital-broadcasting/files/show/listen_chat.html.
I will be returning to the Amerika Now radio show with host Barb Adams on Saturday, January 18 at 11:00 PM ET. Go to http://www.radioamerikanow.com/ and click on the Listen Live link or catch it on an affiliate terrestrial station listed on the site. Join me with host Kimberly Rackley on Mystic View Radio, Saturday, January 11 at 8:00 PM ET. Listen and chat on the Liveparanormal Network at http://liveparanormal.com/page/players. You will have to sign up for a membership to access the chat room, but it’s free.
I will be returning to Renee Live along with my collaborative associate David Rountree on Sunday, January 12 at 9:00 PM ET. This will be another ‘blinded by science’ show where David and I will get into the nitty gritty of paranormal mechanics. Catch it on the TMV Café at http://www.tmvcafe.com/#!cafe/c1x9v. |
April 2015
About the Author
Thomas P. Fusco has devoted nearly three decades of research into the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations. He has been invited to speak as a guest on over 100 national and international radio programs, including Coast To Coast AM. |
- The Cosmic Blog
- About the Book
- What is Supergeometry?
- The Importance of Physics In The Spiritual and Supernatural
- The End of Materialism and a Return to God
- The End of Materialism and a Return To God (Part 2)
- Quantum Mechanics, The Paranormal and Hypocrisy
- Stephen Hawking and Atheism
- The Science of Salvation and the Two-Gods Controversy
- Aliens and UFOs
- Paranormal Puzzles
- Contact Us
- Read Chapter 1
- Order The Book
- Radio Appearances